My New year Lovely Item...

Ha..ha..ha..finally, I bought 1GB Sony mp3 player for RM264. My old Panasonic Discman was broken and I'm eager to get in touch back with the latest technology. I know…I know…I am a spendthrift when it is something that I craved for. My plan to get PSP = postponed for the 2nd time. Anyhow, it doesn't bother me much since I felt that getting myself a PSP going to cause severe damage to my performance for Academic Exercise aka. Mini thesis. Back to my mp3 player, it's simple, light, easily carried around, rechargeable and it does not take long time to do so. Plus, it's PINK (かわいい).

(きんーようび ひめ)


Max J. Potter said...

ohoho, lama tak update ni!

Max J. Potter said...

eyh. lame betul tak update ni!

Max J. Potter said...

hello?? you're tagged!! check out my blog for info!